Shanghai International Culture-Tech Industry Cluster was established in 2015, authorized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, in response to the national culture strategy of establishing the culture and creative industry as one of the core pillars of the Chinese economy in the 12th five-year plan.
The culture-tech industry covers all innovative businesses from digital art, creative design, content creation, innovative technology, creative service and etc, which can apply to the various scenarios in people's lives to make the entire city more innovative. The prosperity of the industry will inject vitality into the economy.
As Shanghai is the most international city with a very market-oriented public and economic system, and Shanghai has always positioned itself to develop be a Global Innovative City and Global Culture Metropolitan, the TCDIC industry cluster was established in Shanghai in order to better facilitate the trade and investment domestically and internationally by leveraging the trade-friendly policy issued by Shanghai Lin'gang Free Trade Zone Government and backed by an innovative, fast-changing Chinese consumption market.
Shanghai International Culture-Tech Industry Cluster (TCDIC) is a national-level trade-oriented industry cluster, authorized by the Ministry of Culture and Tourism. Our main mission is to create a sustainable ecosystem for the culture-tech industry in order to facilitate more trading and investment business activities that happened in this industry to boost overall GDP at creative and culture industry.
We offered various trade and investment-related services to facilitate the trade and investment happened among upstream and downstream business entities in the culture-tech industry, including following service:
Public Policy and Industry Insights Consultation
Business Services (Registration, Accounting, PE/VC, Legal and etc)
Property Solution
B2B Trade Program
Experience Solutions